Thursday, February 09, 2023


 Waiting for a test
Echo - cardio - gram
Sound - heart - measure: A sound that tests the heart

At 70+ tests differ from those in my youth
At 17 I took the SAT (or was I 16?)
A door to the college of my choice

If we had stayed in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia then)
Age 16 would have seen the GCE -- 'O' Levels, they called it
I wonder how I would have done

I remember Secondary School -- Hamilton High, the Thistle
General Cambridge Exams (GCE)
Ordinary Level (O Levels )
Five subjects perhaps?
English Composition
English Literature
French (or maybe Latin)
Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
Would I have gotten the requisite results?
Would I have qualified for university?
No one knows -- nor can know

I do know that I needed another five years to grow up before such a test
Life in Pennsylvania saved me from ignominy, perhaps

Now I wait for another test:
Heart, kidneys, Paul's gently named "those members we think less respectable" and remain covered, eyes, arthritis
Tests and more tests

I wonder if I'll pass?


KGMom said...

These tests are having us live our lives as fully as possible.

Climenheise said...

Even the GCE?